How do you Get an Old Lady Cactus to Bloom?

Old Lady Cactus

Do you have an Old lady cactus that hasn’t bloomed at all, even though you’ve owned it for years? It can be difficult to get indoor cacti to flower, but don’t give up on your Old Lady just yet because there are a few things you can still try that will encourage it to bloom. So, what can you do to get your Old lady cactus to produce flowers?

You can encourage an old lady cactus to bloom if you provide it with bright but indirect sunlight. You will need well-draining soil and light fertilizer during the growing season. Don’t overwater. Another key factor for producing flowers is a period of cooler temperatures during the winter.

With a little extra attention, care, and of course, time, you can help your cactus produce flowers. We have a few tips for you to try that might be helpful for you.

What is an Old Lady Cactus?

Old Lady Cactus, Mammillaria hahniana, is a cactus native to Mexico. It is drought-tolerant, requiring only occasional watering when the soil is dry. 

Overall, it’s a very low-maintenance plant to grow in your home. 

This is just one of the reasons it’s a popular cactus to grow, another is that this plant is very striking in its appearance. 

It is covered with soft white spines that almost look like wool or hair. These spines are fairly soft, but there are other spines underneath that soft covering that will hurt you if you touch them. 

This plant is round in shape. The plant, itself, is about 3.5-4” in height, but some old lady cactus’s will get up to 10” in height as they get older and will take on a more elongated shape.

The old lady cactus flowers bloom in a circular pattern on the top of the stem, and when the cactus is blooming, it looks very much like it’s wearing a crown of flowers. 

Where can you Buy an Old Lady Cactus? 

If you are interested in buying an Old Lady Cactus for your own home, You can easily find them for sale at any local garden center.  
You can also find them on Amazon too. This can be a good choice.

How to Help Encourage Your Old Lady Cactus to Bloom Indoors

Since this is a drought-tolerant plant, you only need to water it when the soil is completely dry. It is very important that you don’t overwater your cactus, especially since your plant is indoors and your house may have a higher humidity level than what is ideal for this type of cactus. 

This is where a soil moisture meter might come in handy. If you need one, you can find this one on Amazon. It can give you a better idea when your cactus needs water– better than doing the “finger test”, especially when you’re dealing with cactus plants and their spines.

Note: Higher humidity levels in your home can be a problem for any of your indoor cacti, especially during the summer months. One way to lower the humidity is to use a dehumidifier. This would not only help your cacti, but also make things more comfortable for you too. Amazon has this one, which is a newer version of what I’m using in my home. 

When you water your plant, water it well, but after watering, make sure to drain any excess water in the tray the pot is sitting in so the pot (and plant) isn’t sitting in water. You don’t want the roots to be wet for too long since this can encourage rot to set in. After doing this, don’t water again until the soil is completely dry.

Starting in Fall and into the Winter, you need to cut back on watering your cactus even more than usual. You want to only water when it absolutely needs some water. This is to help the plant get into a sort of a “dormancy” period– which it needs in order to produce flowers in the Spring or Summer.

What Kind of Soil does Your Old Lady Cactus Need?

The soil should be a well-draining soil. You should use a good cactus soil potting mix that has plenty of inorganic ingredients like grit or coarse sand. 

We have an article you can read if you’re interested in making your own cactus soil mix and it’s called: How to Make Cactus Soil Mix: Beginners Guide

Does Your Old Lady Cactus Need Fertilizer?

During the growing season, which is in the Spring and Summer, you may lightly fertilize your plant, but don’t overdo things. It should only be fertilized about once a month during this time. (Don’t fertilize during the Winter). When you fertilize your cactus, It’s best to use a diluted ( 1/2 or 1/4th strength ) fertilizer designed for cacti or succulents. 

How Much Sun Does Your Old Lady Cactus Need?

Indoor cacti, like the old lady cactus should be placed in the sunniest part of your house. If your plant can’t get at least 4-6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight, you might want to consider using an LED plant light. There are several options you can choose from at Amazon (affiliate link)

Another option, if it’s available to you, is to give your plant some outside exposure to the sun during the summer months, being careful to harden it carefully first. If you do this, also be careful to protect it from the sun by giving it some partial shade during the hottest time of the day, especially in hot climates. It doesn’t do well in temperatures of 100F or above.

Temperature Tips to Help Your Cactus Bloom

To encourage your old lady cactus to produce flowers, you will need to give it a period of cool temperatures during the winter. 

So along with cutting back on watering during the winter, this plant also needs a period of cooler temperatures at the same time. A temperature of 60F or slightly below would be ideal. 

Many other cacti also require a period of cooler temperatures like this to stimulate them to bloom.

Why Has my Old Lady Cactus Never Flowered?

The biggest reason why your Old lady cactus has never flowered could be that your plant is being grown indoors and it isn’t getting enough sunlight, or the correct amount of water. Temperature is also a factor, since it needs a period of lower temperature to put it into a state of “almost” dormancy during the winter.

Another factor involved is time. Many cacti, including the old lady cactus, need to mature for years before they will produce flowers.

The best thing you can do to encourage your old lady cactus to thrive and to bloom is to mimic the natural conditions it gets in its native habitat. If you can do that you will have a better chance of getting your cactus to flower. 

It is difficult to get some cactus plants to produce flowers when you are growing them indoors, but with the right care and with a little patience, and by following these tips, you will be doing what you can to encourage your plant to produce flowers. 

There are other cacti that have a similar appearance to the Old Lady. One of them is the Old Man cactus. We have an article written that compares the Old Lady with the Old Man and it’s called Old Man Cactus vs. Old Lady Cactus. Check it out if you’re interested in learning more about these plants.

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I love plants! I've been gardening most of my life and love learning new things about what I'm growing. I also enjoy sharing what I've learned with others.

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