Best Place in Your Home to Put Your Cactus Plant

In recent years, cactus plants have become very popular as indoor plants since they are uniquely beautiful in their own way and they don’t require much maintenance. But there’s a question many people have when they first start to grow these plants and that is: Where should I place my cactus to keep it healthy?

Cactus plants should be placed where they can receive at least 6 hours of sunlight each day. Usually, the best place for a cactus is near a south-facing window where it can receive lots of light. This is not always possible in some homes and if that’s the case, then supplement with plant lights.

Understanding Cactus Plant’s Needs & Assessing Your Home Environment

Cacti are fascinating plants with a remarkable capacity to survive in arid environments. Their fleshy stems store water and their spines help them fight off predators, both of which are needed in the arid environment that they come from. 

Some types of cacti are not desert plants but are tropical. They grow in more humid conditions than their desert cousins, but they are also just as remarkable in their survival mechanisms.

We might be able to properly care for these cacti in our homes if we have a better understanding of the conditions they face in their natural habitat and then try to mimic those conditions as much as possible.

Some of these conditions are:


One of these conditions is sunlight. They need lots of sunlight to thrive. Some types require more than others, but most cacti need around 6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day. 

It is recommended that you keep your cactus in the sunniest room of your home. South-facing windows are often the best choice. 

They do well in lots of bright, indirect light and some varieties even prefer periods of direct light.

Note: Although they like lots of bright, indirect light… sunlight coming through the windows on a hot summer day may get too hot even for cacti since the windows may concentrate the heat and light too much. This is true especially if you live in a hotter climate.

They can also get sunburned and damaged from too much harsh sunlight and heat. So it’s important to find the right balance.

If you don’t have a sunny place in your home, you may consider using an LED plant light to give them the light they need to grow and thrive. 

I use plant lights similar to these from Amazon since I don’t have much sunlight coming into my windows here in the woods.

I also like and plan to buy some lights similar to these this coming winter so I can display my cacti and succulents in different rooms of my house.

Tropical cacti need plenty of light too just like the desert cacti, but they do better with filtered or indirect light since they are used to the conditions in the rainforest. They don’t do well at all in bright light conditions.


Temperature is also a factor in choosing the best place for your cactus. Most cacti prefer warmer temperatures, usually around 70°F to 90°F (21°C to 32°C).

They can tolerate some fluctuations in temperature (some cactus varieties need periods of slightly cooler temperatures in the fall and winter) but they do better when the temperature is stable. 

With this in mind, the best place for your cactus is away from areas where there are a lot of cold or hot drafts of air. So you should avoid placing it near a radiator (in winter) or near an air conditioner vent (in summer). 

You may even want to avoid the entrances to your home, especially in the wintertime in Northern climates.


Cacti thrive in low-humidity conditions. This is true for both the desert cacti and the tropical cacti plants. Even tropical cactus plants prefer the dry conditions that many homes usually have, although they can tolerate slightly higher humidity than desert cacti.

Many homes naturally have low humidity conditions, especially in the winter time (in Northern climates) and this is ideal for your cactus. 

But there are times when the humidity levels can get too high. That is especially true for the Eastern part of the U.S. in the summertime. Humidity levels can easily be around 70% or higher. 

The best place for your cactus is in a low-humidity environment. So if the humidity is too high in your home, you might want to consider buying a dehumidifier to make things more comfortable for both you and your cactus. Amazon has this one that would work well in your home.

Areas in your home such as living rooms and bedrooms generally have the lowest humidity in your home, so these areas would be good locations for your cactus.

Areas such as bathrooms and kitchens tend to have higher humidity levels so they would not be as suitable unless your cactus is a tropical cactus or a variety that can tolerate slightly higher humidity. This is why it’s good to know what type of cactus you have and what conditions it prefers.

Common Cactus Plant Placement Mistakes to Avoid

~ Too Much Harsh Sunlight: Avoid Sunburning Your Cactus

You want to keep your cactus in the sunniest place in your home, and windowsills are a very good location for them. Just keep in mind that sunlight and heat coming through the windows can be concentrated by the glass, especially in the summertime. 

You don’t want to place them where they can be sunburned. If you see signs of sunburn on your plant, such as discolored, or dried-out patches on their stems or leaves, then adjust their placement to prevent any further damage. 

~ Not Enough Light: Avoid Leggyness and Stunted Growth

If your room doesn’t have enough light, your cactus may get elongated, leggy, or even pale. If you see these signs, you need to either move them to a sunnier location or supplement light by using an LED plant light. You might want to check out plant lights at Amazon. There are many different types of lights to choose from. Some are better suited for a “shelve” type of display while others are more portable such as this one.

~Too Close to Heat or AC Vents

The drastic change in temperatures will stress your cactus plant. It can cause different problems depending on the type of cactus; it may cause browning of stems and other signs of damage. Christmas cactus plants are very susceptible to damage due to temperature fluctuations and the shock will cause them to drop their flower buds.

For more information on where to place a cactus in your home, this video gives you lots of cactus care tips that are good to know, including lighting conditions, temperature, and watering tips.

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I love plants! I've been gardening most of my life and love learning new things about what I'm growing. I also enjoy sharing what I've learned with others.

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