About Kathy

Kathy is a former chemist and a life-long gardener. She always has various gardening and plant-related projects (as well as many other projects) going on at one time and is always interested in starting new ones too. She is one of the main authors on Cactus-Central.com.

For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in gardening.  I give my parents credit for my interest since they were the ones who encouraged me to plant, grow, and learn. I was very fortunate that my parents had that interest first and then passed it on to me (and my siblings).

I now have decades’ worth of experience and knowledge about outdoor gardening and other skills. Recently, my love of gardening has expanded to include indoor cultivation of succulents and cacti. 

My goal is not only to expand my own understanding of these plants but also to help others who want to grow them in indoor settings.